*** Training Oberursel *** Vorübergehend geänderter Standort *** Siehe unten ***
Krav Maga Ladies Night Jahreskurs 2025
Bad Homburg 14-03-2025Basisseminar Bad Homburg
Bad Homburg 16-03-2025S.W.A.T. /Military - Verteidigung gegen Langwaffenangriffe
Bad Homburg 26-04-2025Family Seminar: Protect your Kids
Bad Homburg 27-04-2025P-Level Prüfung
Schmitten 29-08-2025KravMagaTaunus Summercamp
KMT KickOff 2025
Bad Homburg 31-01-2025Basisseminar Bad Homburg
Michael Schmid
freier Instructor
Thomas Igor
freier Instructor
Andreas Müller-Rau
freier Instructor
Christian Agatz
Schoolowner & Leadinstructor
Sascha Bier
freier Instructor
There are no rules and certainly no referees on the street to ensure a fair and even fight. Anything can happen. Thus is goes without saying that there are no `rules` when it comes to self-defence – defending yourself, defending your dear ones. The recognition of this fact is what sets Krav Maga apart. Krav Maga is neither a sport nor a marital art, but a modern self-defence system forged in real world conflict. It is realistic, practical and easy to learn.
Krav Maga is a very simple system. It is both based on and emphasizes the natural instincts and reflexes we humans have evolved over the years to keep us alive. This means that it is easy to draw upon in high-stress situations. The cleverly devised, didactic premise, upon which all Krav Maga techniques are founded, promotes rapid learning.
Thanks to the simple, easy-to-learn and realistic approach that Krav Maga takes with regard to self-defence, the system poses very few difficulties for beginners. Based on tried-and-tested real world experience, Krav Maga is the ideal self-defence system for all men, women, teenagers and children, irrespective of age or body type.
Learn from the best. All of our instructors have undergone rigorous training in order to qualify as KMG certified instructors. Even after having successfully completed the Krav Maga Instructor Course (GIC), their journey does not end there. All instructors are required to maintain their qualifications by participating in regular instructor updates delivered every year by the highly-experienced KMG Global Team of Instructors or by the founder and KMG Chief Instructor, Eyal Yanilov, himself.